
Friday, 26 April 2013

Some more Q&A on UVM from Doulos Webinar ,posted here in case anyone missed it
As mentioned earlier, this is a small repo from the interviews /seminars/training sessions/webinars  attended

Q: what is basic use of uvm
A: To capture best practice in verification IP reuse. UVM lets you build reusable verification components.

Q: why we use create method instead of new() in buitd_phase? can you tell the difference b/w them?
A: This is a factory method. It allows you to override the type of the object being created, whereas the type of the object created by "new" is determined at compile-time.

Q: Is the start_item() and finish_item() code embedded in the `uvm_do() and `uvm_do_with()?
A: Yes, that's right.

Q: what is ovm_test?
A: uvm_test is the base class used when creating user-defined tests in UVM

Q: is req is predefined object handle?
A: req is a variable defined in the base classes uvm_sequence and uvm_driver. It is just for convenience. You could use any variable.

Q: uvm support which language ?
A: UVM is written in SystemVerilog, but is intended to support mixed-language environments. You can mix SV with SystemC or e.

Q: Do we always need to create child sequence inside repeat loop?
A: No. This is just a simple example.

Q: what is this p_sequecer?
A: A pointer (reference) to the sequencer on which the sequence is running.

Q: what is the purpose of factory?
A: The type of the object created by the constructor "new" is fixed at compile-time. The point of the "factory pattern" (type_id::create()) is to let you override the type of the object being created at run-time.

Q: why we write if(starting_phase!=null) in pre_body??
A: Because the starting_phase property is not set by default, so we need to test it is non-null before dereferencing it (otherwise simulation will crash)

Q: What happens if 2 priorities are the same? Like seq3 with prio 2 and seq 2 also with prio 2?
A: Depends on the arbitration mode.

Q: Can I have one sequence running with different two sequencer at a same time ?
A: One sequence instance runs on one sequencer. You could have two different instances of the same sequence type running on two different sequencers (or the same sequencer)

Q: what is use of config_db?
A: To parameterize the UVM verification environment. In other words, to pass a set of resources into the UVM verification environment, usually in a top-down fashion.

Q: What is the use if uvm_declare_p_sequencer macro ?
A: It declares the p_sequencer variable, which gives a sequence access to the sequencer object on which it is currently running.

Q: In what scenarios a virtual sequence useful?
A: In order to co-ordinate the behavior of multiple sequencers in multiple agents connected to multiple DUT interfaces.

Q: can we instantiate child sequencers in the virtual sequencer and directly run child sequences on seqr0.seqr1 in the virtual sequence?
A: A virtual sequence instantiates child sequences, and then runs those child sequences, typically on some other sequencer.

Q: what is `uvm_rand_send?
A: Just a macro that randomizes a transaction object and sends it to a driver. (In effect, it does start_item...randomize...finish_item)

Q: How to use `uvm_do to run sequences inside the virtual sequences
A: would strongly advise you NOT to use `uvm_do until you are really sure what it is doing.

Q: So virtual sequencer is just a place holder for sequences?
A: You don't need a sequencer to run a virtual sequence, but you might choose to use a virtual sequencer if you want to associate other user-defined properties (variables) with the sequencer object.

Q: what happen if we don't use raise and drop objection while implementing sequence ?
A: The point is that the current UVM run phase will end when there are no objections raised. So the idea is that any UVM component or sequence that is "busy" will keep an objection raised until it is finished. Otherwise, the phase (and thus the test) may end prematurely.

Q: difference between start() method vs `uvm_do macros to start sequences?
A: I suggest you avoid `uvm_do until you understand what start() is doing. The `uvm_do macros can save you some typing, but at the risk of hiding what is really going on and making debug harder.

Q: why we use virtual sequence?
A: A virtual sequence co-ordinates the behavior of multiple sequencers in multiple agents

Q: what is background traffic
A: The ordinary stimulus being generated by a particular agent. A virtual sequence could then come along and interrupt what the agent is currently doing and start some other sequence.

Q: what is pre_do,mid_do and post_do explain me?
A: These are callbacks built into every sequence that can be overridden to change its behavior without needing to modify the source code of the sequence itself (for better reuse)

Q: can i write functionality of DUT in sequence?
A: Think of the sequence as generating stimulus, not as describing the expected behavior of the DUT

Q: what happen when sequencer already processing any sequence and virtual sequencer called lock?
A: lock stops the sequence items already being processed until the sequencer is unlocked

Q: what happened if a sequencer is already executing a transaction and we try to do a lock on that from the virt sequence
A: That's the point of lock! The currently executing transaction are suspended until the sequencer is unlocked.

Q: can multiple driver use 1 sequencer ? how?
A: Probably a bad idea. You want to start with one driver connected to one sequencer. If you want to split or merge transaction streams, you would probably use layered sequencers.

Q: so if virtual sequences don't run transactions, then what goes through virtual sequences? and why to use them?
A: Virtual sequences run sequences on other sequencers in order to coordinate the behaviour of those sequencers.

Q: what if there are 2 seq that use the grab?
A: That is exactly what was described in the webinar. The most recent grab goes to the front of the queue, the most recent lock goes to the back of the queue.

Q: why pre_body and post_body is not called in child class?
A: pre/post_body are not explicitly called in user-defined code. They are callbacks that can be overridden by the user. UVM calls pre_start - pre_body - body - post_body - post_start.

Q: the most recent lock has priority? shouldn't it be the oldest lock that has priority?
A: Yeah. That's how UVM works ;-) The most recent grab comes first, then the previous grab... then the oldest lock, then the next-oldest lock, and finally the most recent lock.

Q: If I want to connect a driver directly to the monitor, without using an interface, can it be done?
A: Sure, they are just objects in a SystemVerilog program, but connecting the driver to the monitor directly is usually considered bad practice (because you want the monitor to monitor what ACTUALLY happened, not what you THOUGHT the driver was doing)

Q: what is better to create different test sequence or different tests?
A: Whatever you want. In practice you would always have multiple tests, which could run the same or different sequences.

Q: Where is this code goes(creating library of sequences)?
A: Either in the run_phase method (or a sub-phase) of any uvm_component, or in the body method of any sequence.

Q: all the sequences in the uvm_sequence_library have to be running on same sequencer?
A: Yes, in effect, because a sequence library IS a sequence running on one sequencer.

Q: how do we suspend a sequence if and intruppt is generated and again resume the sequence from the same point after ISR
A: Any existing traffic (sequence items) will be suspended while the sequencer is locked, and resumed when it is unlocked. It is up to you to make it all work properly and consistently. UVM has no built-in machinery that understands the concept of an ISR.

Q: how do we suspend a sequence if and intruppt is generated and again resume the sequence from the same point after ISR
A: Any existing traffic (sequence items) will be suspended while the sequencer is locked, and resumed when it is unlocked. It is up to you to make it all work properly and consistently. UVM has no built-in machinery that understands the concept of an ISR.

Q: What is sequence layering in UVM?
A: Having multiple sequencers layered one above the other.

Q: How different is UVM from its parent OVM?
A: The first version of UVM was OVM with the characters "ovm" replaced by "uvm". Since then, UVM has been diverging from OVM with many new features added and existing features deprecated.

Q: in the examples that ship with UVM, the feedback to the sequencer is done via a TLM peek port, would recommend using the RSP item instead?
A: Good question. There are several ways to build the interface between sequencer and driver. We are focusing here on the req/rsp mechanism, but not strongly recommending it as the best or only solution. This is still a point of discussion in the UVM community.

Q: what is difference between pull driver and push driver? when they are used?
A: just use the pull driver.

Q: what does 'finish_item' do?
A: The second part of the handshake between sequence and driver.

Q: how do we suspend a sequence if and interrupt is generated and again resume the sequence from the same point after ISR

A: Any existing traffic (sequence items) will be suspended while the sequencer is locked, and resumed when it is unlocked. It is up to you to make it all work properly and consistently. UVM has no built-in machinery that understands the concept of an ISR.

Q: what does start_item actually do?
A: Waits for the driver to call get or get_next_item, then returns.

Q: How to form nested packets(nested packet is one packet is part of another packet) in transaction class?
A: Either with nested sequences (parent and child sequences as we showed in the early slides) or layered sequences (as we are showing now)
Audience Question

Q: Response that we get back from the driver to sequencer is the same response which is responded by DUT ?
A: Yes and no. The interface between the DUT and the driver is at the pin level, representing the hardware interface to the DUT. The interface between the driver and sequencer is transaction-level, but in theory should represent the same information (abstracted) as the pin-level interface

Q: If you were to implement a "slave" protocol witht he REQ/RSP mechanism, would you need to send a "ready" req, which essentially sits at the driver until a read fromt he master occurs on the interface? the RSP then goes back, and triggers a data item from the appropriate sequence?

A: That sounds reasonable. I guess the point is that the driver can only send the response object when it has all the information it needs to populate the object.
Audience Question

Q: What are some scenarios to use responses in sequences?
A: Any protocol in which there is a response, e.g. the data passed back from a read command, or status information passed back from any command. The alternatives would be to overwrite fields in the request object or use the path through the monitor component.

Q: if there are layered monitors or drivers,there is same generation of req and res?
A: The req/rsp mechanism is only built into the transaction-level interface between the driver and sequencer.

Q: why do you call req.randomize() after start_item? shouldn't req be ready when the driver gets it?
A: You need to understand the concept of late randomization. The whole point of the start/finish_item handshake is to delay the randomization of the transaction object until the last possible moment before releasing it to the driver.

Q: I just want to ask is there any method which we can call depending on some set of events .. as i dont want to change my sequence i just wasnt to pause it and after somtime resume it... but not by fixing delay but dependent on set of events

A: There are all sorts of ways in UVM of making components or sequences dependent on events. The point I am trying to make is that there is no clean, build-in solution to deal with the ISR scenario.

Q: through sequence library can we able  to generate multiple irun.log files for different sequences being executed?
A: No, the two concepts are unrelated.

Q: Am not too sure if sequences can be blocking...?
A: Sequences are inherently blocking: they consume time.

Q: what is need of objection mechanism
A: In order to co-ordinate the end of the test. The test should only end when each and every verification component has finished whatever it was doing.

Q: difference between sequence randomization and transaction randomization?
A: Sequence randomization randomizes the rand fields of the sequence object, transaction randomization does the same thing for the transaction object

Q: what is use of UVM_config_db?
A: To parameterize the UVM verification environment. In other words, to pass a set of resources into the UVM verification environment, usually in a top-down fashion

Q: in a layered stack what would be ideal functional call used in translator sequence and driver
A: Just the regular calls, nothing special. I suggest you download and study the examples.

Q: what if we do randomize both sequence and transaction randomize?
A: Then you randomize both the properties of the sequence objects and the properties of the transaction objects. Sequences generate sequences of transactions.

Q: i.e for driver should we use get() or get_next_item or try_next_item()
A: Depends on all sorts of issues within the verification env you are creating. Any or all may be appropriate. get() blocks, try_*() does not block.

Q: wht is the purpose of `vm_object_utils
A: To register the class with the factory. Always, always use `uvm_component_utils or `uvm_object_utils for components, transaction, and sequences respectively.

Q: How are virt sequences and sequence library different?
    What are the use cases where they are used?
A: A virtual sequence is used to co-ordinate the behavior of multiple agents driving multiple DUT interfaces. A sequence library selects from a set of sequences to run on a single sequencer (which could be virtual or not)

Q: How are virt sequences and sequence library different? What are the use cases where they could be used?
A: A virtual sequence is used to co-ordinate the behavior of multiple agents driving multiple DUT interfaces. A sequence library selects from a set of sequences to run on a single sequencer (which could be virtual or not)

Q: In the UVM phases what is this top_down & bottom_up execution? can throw some light onit?
A: Sure. Certain phases (e.g. build_phase) are executed top-down (starting at the top of the component hierarchy). Other phases (most of them) are executed bottom-up starting from the components at the bottom of the component hierarchy.

Q: how the virtual sequencer/virtual sequences be useful ina layered protocol?
A: You would usually start thinking of layered sequences in the context of a layered protocol, not virtual sequences

Q: why do we use run_phase(uvm_phase phase);here need of uvm_phase phase
A: That's just the way the UVM class library has evolved. The phase argument is used to raise and drop objections.

Q: in a layered stack e.g tcp -ip stack. I was confused whether there is need of any layered monitors to pass info back or even of anlaysis. I was thinking will be good to pass application data to from application layer to scoreboard as stimulus using sequence or shud be passed all the way to the pins and monitor read it and its passes all the way up to the stack again in reverse order through layered monitors and then to scoreboard
A: Great question! The UVM community are still discussing the best way to do this. Layered monitors make perfect sense. When layering agents, you may need to use the UVM factory to replace individual drivers or monitors in higher layer agents

Monday, 22 April 2013

Sequence Item

 As UVM is based on classes it is a  class based transaction passed from the sequencer to the driver
 The lowest level of stimulus produced by the sequencer
This is also known as Transaction

Virtual Sequence

A sequence which controls stimulus generation across more than one sequencer, co-ordinate the stimulus across different interfaces and the interactions between them.
 Virtual sequences do not need their own sequencer, as they do not link directly to drivers.
 When they have one it is called a virtual sequencer.

Virtual Sequencer

A virtual sequencer is a sequencer that is not connected to a driver itself, but contains handles for sequencers in the test bench hierarchy.
It is an optional component for running of virtual sequences - optional because they need no driver hookup, instead calling other sequences which run on real sequencers.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Dear Readers

Posting some questions from Doulos webinar here for anyone who have missed them 
Sure would be useful for interviews.Due credit goes to Doulos and i JUST posted them here

-Happy Reading

Audience Question:
Q: why do we use create instead of new ?
A: In order to be able to override the type of the object being created at run-time. This is what the factory does.

Audience Question:
Q: what do we mean when we say that we can modify the kind of object when using create method ?
A: Create one type of object instead of another, for example, replacing a transaction type with another transaction type that has additional properties or constraints

Audience Question:

Q: Can you plz explain how factory is linked with a class
A: With the factory pattern, instead of instantiating a new object by calling new, you call create (= the factory method). The type of the object being created by the factory can be overridden.

Audience Question:
Q: cant the instantiation of my_env be done in new constructor?
A: Yes it could, but that is not recommended practice. In UVM, component instantiation should always be done from the  build_phase method

Audience Question:
Q: but here we had m_env of type my_env
A: True. By settting a factory override, you could have create make an object of some other type (i.e. not my_env)

Audience Question:
Q: and we created the object of my_env type only..
A: No, not necessarily. That is the point of the factory.

Audience Question:
Q: did we overtride the type in this case ?
A: No, we have not actually seen any factory overrides, but they are very simple

Audience Question:
Q: What is the use of UVM_MEDIUM?
A: Sets the verbosity level of the information message, which can be used to filter out messages with "high verbosity". It's just a way of filtering the amount of information that gets reported

Audience Question:
Q: #10 is 10 units... what unit is it?
A: This just goes back to Verilog. It would be 10 "time units" as defined by the `timescale directive or time units statement.

Audience Question:
Q: What is the meaning of UVM_MEDIUM?what are the other things we pass in that place?
A: A verbosity level for this specific message. Not very important!

Audience Question:
Q: can the type of m_env be changed to other than my_env while doing create ?
A: A factory override can be set BEFORE calling create

Audience Question:
Q: What are the main difference between OVM and UVM ?
A: Replace "O" with "U". Literally! The first version of UVM was based on OVM 2.1.1, although UVM is now starting to diverge significantly from OVM. Unless you have OVM legacy code to maintain, you should focus on UVM.

Audience Question:
Q: can we consider UVM_MEDIUM as priority level?
A: No. It is just used to filter out information messages having "high verbosity", i.e. less important messages.

Audience Question:
Q: When to use UVM_MEDIUM?
A: You would only consider the verbosity level if you had a large number of information messages and wanted to filter out the less important ones.

Audience Question:
Q: dont we use program block to instantiate class
A: No. The program block was an early feature of SystemVerilog, closely tied to SystemVerilog's roots in OpenVera. You do not need to use a program block. In fact, you should NOT use a program block unless you really know exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it. If in doubt, use module instead.

Audience Question:
Q: Is the "my_test " is the test bebnch?
A: No, "my_test" is the test that we are going to run on the test bench

Audience Question:
Q: why we use drop_objection?
A: To bring the test to and end

Audience Question:
Q: What is the use of pkg?
A: A package is used for common, shared declarations, typically parameters, types, functions, tasks, and classes.

Audience Question:
Q: why run_test would take my_test (i.e a class) as an argument and not an instance of my_test ?
A: Good question. run_test uses the UVM factory to create the object of class my_test.

Audience Question:
Q: Suppose in my class I am not using `uvm_component_utils(class_name) but creating the same class object using create()  method. In this case can my class registerd in factory?
A: You would get a compile-time error! It is the uvm_component_utils macro that registers a class with the factory so that it  can be instantiated later by calling type_id::create()

Audience Question:
Q: The "my_test" in the model, is the test bench of the hello world design?
A: "my_test" is the test that runs on the test bench. In UVM, "test bench" and "verification environment" mean the same thing.Individual tests run on the test bench, perhaps by running specific sequences or adding constraints.

Audience Question:
Q: Which is the better way to pass clock? i mean from interface or from TOP ? Why?
A: Does not matter. The important thing is that the clock is generated from module-based code. An interface is being used here just to represent a bundle of wires. Depending on your design, there may or may not be clocks included in that bundle of wires. If you already have a clock generator in your module, you might want to pass the clock into the interface through a port on the interface.

Audience Question:
Q: why are we importing uvm_pkg inside DUT ?
A: To get access to names such as uvm_top and run_test, which are defined in the UVM library

Audience Question:
Q: When we change my_test, do we need to compile the entire testbench or only the my_test file?
A: Only the my_test file.

Audience Question:
Q: ideally we should not modify DUT .. right ?
A: Ideally we should be able to modify the tests, the verification environment, and the DUT independently of each other.

Audience Question:
Q: can you repeat virtual interface?
A: A virtual interface is in effect like a variable that contains a reference to an actual interface instantiation. It lets you refer to an interface instance from a class (in a package).

Audience Question:
Q: what is the use of config_db
A: The config_db is just a mechanism to parameterize the UVM component hierarchy.

Audience Question:
Q: List some important macros often used in building the environment?
A: `uvm_component_utils and `uvm_object_utils

Audience Question:
Q: what is difference between uvm_config_db and uvm_config_obj/int/string?
A: set_config_int/get_config_int were the methods used in OVM. These have been replaced by the uvm_config_db in UVM, although set/get_config_* still exist for backward compatibility

Audience Question:
Q: can we change get and set method parameter?? or we cant??
A: The answer will be "yes", whichever ;-)

Audience Question:
Q: What is the effect of scope in the configuration database
A: The scope corresponds to hierarchical path names in the UVM component hierarchy. In other words, the config_db allows  you to parameterize specific instances in the component hierarchy.

Audience Question:
Q: Is it neccesary to use config db to connect the driver to DUT ?
A: No, but it’s a good way to do it.

Audience Question:
Q: if you had to have multiple instance of driver with using different instance of the interface how will config db set and get work ?
A: The point of the config db is that it relates to the UVM component hierarchy. So you can set a different virtual interface for each driver instance.

Audience Question:
Q: If i have more tests and i want to simulate all at a time , is it possible?? if yes how?
A: You could write one mega-test that runs all the others, or you could use a script to run several tests (sequentially or  concurrently on a server farm)

Audience Question:
Q: is there any better feature db provides over ovm's set/get functions/
A: uvm_config_db is better than OVM's set/get_config_* in the sense that the uvm_config_db supports ANY data type, and is not restricted to int/string/ovm_object

Audience Question:
Q: when to use `uvm_component_utils and `uvm_object_utils?
A: `uvm_component_utils for components, `uvm_object_utils for transactions and sequences

Audience Question:
Q: when to use resource_db and config_db?
A: uvm_config_db uses uvm_resource_db. You don't NEED to use uvm_resource_db directly, but you can if you like. With uvm_resource_db, the scope of each parameter is NOT necessarily related to the UVM component hierarchy.

Audience Question:
Q: In set and get the argument in quotes should remain same right?
A: Each item has a scope, a name, and a value. It you want to set a given parameter and then get it out again, the scope and name have to match.

Audience Question:
Q: can i use fork and join to run all test at a time?? or it is not proper way to do that??
A: If you fork/join a bunch of tests, all the tests will be trying to run at the same time on the same verification environment, so would just collide with each other. So you would either run them in series, or run them in parallel as different simulations.

Audience Question:
Q: can we collect coverage in uvm without monitor?
A: You can collect coverage wherever you like. In UVM, the issue to think about is always re-use. So you could collect lowlevel coverage data in a monitor, but you would want to collect test-specific data from some higher-layer component

Audience Question:
Q: In my_test, which will be better way1) eisther use sart item... finish item or as you mention in mytest
A: start_item and finish_item can ONLY be called from within a sequence. From a test, you would call

Audience Question:
Q: what is use of get_config Is there any functionality behind that?
A: get_config_* has been replace by uvm_config_db#(T)::get() in UVM.

Audience Question:
Q: what is the function of driver and monitor?
A: A driver wiggles pins, a monitor senses pin wiggles.

Audience Question:
Q: Can we have many sequences and one sequencer to drive data to driver in my environment?
A: Yes. As many as you need.

Audience Question:
Q: what is the function of driver and monitor?
A: A driver wiggles pins, a monitor senses pin wiggles.

Audience Question:
Q: why we always use analysis port in monitor?? what if i use simple port or export??
A: An analysis port allows the same transaction to be broadcast to multiple components or to none. Regular (non-analysis) ports have to be connected to a single export.

Audience Question:
Q: do_copy() methos is shallow copy or deep copy?
A: You can write it to do whatever you want
Audience Question:
Q: How do i Run multipla testcases in one Mega test case which includes all the testcases in need to runn?
A: You write the megatest to do whatever you want to do. But what is the issue? If you want to run multiple tests, you would generally do better to create a script or use some kind of test management tool.

Audience Question:
Q: Believe the copy is a shallow copy
A: When you override do_copy, you do whatever you want to do. The idea is that you can make the copy/compare/etc just as deep or shallow as you need.

Audience Question:
Q: In the do_copy() method, $cast is used, but there is no constructor used
A: Yes, that is how it works.

Audience Question:
Q: what are differnce between OVM and UVM?
A: Replace "O" with "U". Literally! The first version of UVM was based on OVM 2.1.1, although UVM is now starting to diverge significantly from OVM. Unless you have OVM legacy code to maintain, you should focus on UVM.

Audience Question:
Q: why we derive sequence_iteam class form uvm_sequence_iteam() class not from uvm_component() ?
A: A sequence item is nothing like a component. A sequence item is dynamic, created on-the-fly during simulation. A component is quasi-static, created during the build_phase at the start of simulation, and linked into the UVM component  hierarchy.

Audience Question:
Q: In my env, uvm_error/info/warn is not working what could be the issue?
A: Give me another clue. Perhaps you have not raised any objections, so the test has stopped at time zero?

Audience Question:
Q: what is virtual interface?
A: A reference to an interface

Audience Question:
Q: each sequnce generates 8 transactions.. is it right ?
A: Right.

Audience Question:
Q: when is the starting_phase is set? at what time?
A: Before starting the sequence, e.g. from the test

Audience Question:
Q: In addition to my previous question, within the do_copy() method only a handle of transaction was created and no constructor was called. Does $cast implicity calls new() ?
A: Yes.

Audience Question:
Q: can 1 sequnce get bby 2 different driver?
A: You would usually want a different sequencer for each driver. The driver has a port than needs to be connected to the export of a sequencer from which it pulls down transactions.

Audience Question:
Q: Does send_request of OVM doesn't work in UVM?
A: There a lots of API methods in OVM and UVM, but best practice is to keep with a few specific coding styles as shown on these slides

Audience Question:
Q: why is he using if(!seq.randomize()) and not assert(seq.randomize())
A: You could use assert (seq.randomize()). The argument against doing so is that some simulators allow you to switch off  assertions, in which case the randomization would get removed

Audience Question:
Q: what do you mean by this -each sequnce generates 8 transactions.
A: Each time you start this sequence is generates 8 transactions (because it contains repeat(8))

Audience Question:
Q: seq.starting_phase=phase .... Is this statement compulsory ...?
A: Not compulsory. What is does is to set the starting_phase property of the sequence object, so that the sequence itself can raise and drop objections.

Audience Question:
Q: in my_sequence before randomising we need to start req or need to randomise and then start the req
A: start_item(req); req.randomize(); finish_item(req);

Audience Question:
Q: Can a Master Sequncer call N no of other sequnces?
A: Yes. There are several different approaches. Sequences can be nested, layered, or virtual ... (long story)

Audience Question:
Q: what are APIs and DPIs?
A: API = application programming interface. DPI = direct programming interface (lets you call C from SV)

Audience Question:
Q: Master Sequence can call N no of Other sequences?
A: Yes. There are several different approaches. Sequences can be nested, layered, or virtual ... (long story)

Audience Question:
Q: How can we handle registers and memories using UVM? Can you recommend me some sources of it (books, URLs, etc...)?
A: Well, there is the UVM register layer, aka uvm_reg. Check that out.

Audience Question:
Q: Is there any way to increase the no of sequences other than repeat?
A: This is just procedural code. sequence.start() runs a sequence. Call it whenever you like (from a test or another  sequence)

Audience Question:
Q: how can I keep updated for these seminars ?
A: By registering for this webinar, we will make sure you are kept up-to-date with future presentations.

Audience Question:
Q: how can i do nesting of sequences?
A: Nesting is easy. You can start a sequence from the body task of another sequence. Just create the sequence object (using the factory), randomize it, then call sequence.start()

Audience Question:
Q: Where exactly we need to use objections?
A: Objections are the mechanism used in UVM to bring tests to an end. The test (strictly, the phase) ends when the number of objections raised = 0.

Audience Question:
Q: Is there any way to nest sequences?
A: Nesting is easy. You can start a sequence from the body task of another sequence. Just create the sequence object (using the factory), randomize it, then call sequence.start()

Audience Question:
Q: How is uvm virtual interface different from system Verilog?
A: No. A virtual interface is System Verilog.

Audience Question:
Q: Why TLM - import and export features for driver and sequencer?
A: TLM is the usual way to connect components in the UVM verification environment. The sequencer and driver components are designed to communicate using TLM. That's how it is.

Audience Question:
Q: Any pointers to RAL in UVM ...?
A: The UVM register layer is known as uvm_reg.

Audience Question:
Q: how uvm virtual interface is different from system verilog?
A: It isn't. A virtual interface is SystemVerilog

Audience Question:
Q: could u pl.. explain factory registration
A: Nothing much to explain. The macros register the component/transaction/sequence with the factory so that the object can subsequently be instantiated by calling type_id::create()

Audience Question:
Q: y cant objection mechanism be default in UVM
A: The objection mechanism is the default in UVM. In other words, a UVM phase will end at time = zero if there are no objections raised. Any process that is "busy" needs to raise an objection (unless driven by something else)

Audience Question:
Q: What is the use of following statement "sequence.starting_phase=phase" in sequence body task?
A: Just sets the starting_phase property of the sequence object so the sequence can raise objections

Audience Question:
Q: in most of the test becnhes, we need to have register model, so please explain with one example
A: There is an example of uvm_reg in the source files that we have given you to download.

Audience Question:
Q: how to connect a reference implementation of the DUT as checker? Can the sequencer transmitt the transactions to 2  interfaces (Ref, DUT) the same time?
A: Yes, but the recommended approach would be to have a monitor (connected to the DUT pins) send the same transaction to a reference model (to calculate expected output from actual input) and checker (to compare expected output with actual output)

Audience Question:
Q: where can i get virtual interfaces concepts in terms of UVM?
A: A virtual interface is, in effect, like a variable that contains a reference to an interface instance. This is a SystemVerilog concept, not part of UVM as such

Audience Question:
Q: Driver uses pull-down method to get sequences.....There is a push method .. when is it used?
A: The usual way is with a pull interface. There is a push interface between driver and sequencer, but it is not much used.

Audience Question:
Q: what are APIs?
A: Application Programming Interface

Audience Question:
Q: Is there UVM for SystemC?
A: There are various partial implementations. For example, Cadence has one (UVM-SC) as part of their UVM-ML (mixed language)

Audience Question:
Q: Hi....Why do we require sequencer as a separate class? Can't it merged with Driver?
A: No, that would be bad practice. It is ALL ABOUT REUSE. That is the point of UVM

Audience Question:
Q: if we do not use objection mechanism .. will that be okay ? why it is must to use ?
A: You must use the objection mechanism (unless you are porting legacy OVM code into UVM)

Audience Question:
Q: could u please expalin reg model with example?
A: There is an example as part of the examples you will download. But you will NOT learn the register layer from one example. You need a training class!

Audience Question:
Q: here is looks like module is the highest in the hirarchy and then test and env and agent components .. is that correct conclusion ?
A: There is more than one hierarchy. In SystemVerilog there is always at least one top-level module, by definition. But there is also the UVM component hierarchy (an object hierarchy) and the UVM class hierarchy. It gets complicated ;-)

Audience Question:
Q: where the constraints for a transaction should be written? In testcase?
A: Several options. In a transaction class, or as in-line constraints in a test, or as in-line constraints in a sequence.

Audience Question:
Q: how to connect a reference implementation of the DUT as checker? Can the sequencer transmitt the transactions to 2 interfaces (Ref, DUT) the same time?
A: Yes, but the recommended approach would be to have a monitor (connected to the DUT pins) send the same transaction to a reference model (to calculate expected output from actual input) and checker (to compare expected output with actual output)

Audience Question:
Q: If we have a top-level sequence,which has references to 2-other sequences - seq1, seq2(the 2-sequences have a `uvm_do_with within their body task), so in the body() of the top-level seq - when we do a `uvm_do(seq1)- i assume this calls uvm_do of actual-seq1- so are the constraints in seq1- still valid in top-seq ?
A: Yes.

Audience Question:
Q: Is it needed to randomize the user defined variables at driver, sequencer, and test classes seperately to generate the random stimulus ?
A: Wherever you have an object that contains rand variables, you need to call object.randomize() to randomize the object. So "yes".

Audience Question:
Q: in which file, rtl signals and tb signals can be connected? is it in top file?
A: "tb signals" will be variables within a SystemVerilog interface. You would connect these to the DUT in a module instance.All of this will be module-based SV code. It does not have to be at the top level of the module hierarchy, though in most cases it would probably occur quite near the top of the module hierarchy.

Audience Question:
Q: For objection mechanisam ... if it is compulsory to do always in run_phase ... why is it not done in UVM base class itself .... thus avoiding user to do it eachtime? Or is there any application where we have run phase \wo objection mechanism
A: The UVM base class itself has no knowledge of your test or when it will be finished. You are asking from something that is actually very complicated and application-specific (i.e. when is the test done?) to appear very simple.

Audience Question:
Q: what is use of the finish_on_completion? Where exactly we need to call this?
A: Setting finish_on_completion=1 causes the UVM class library to call $finish at the end of the test (after all objections are dropped and phases complete).

Audience Question:
Q: here it looks like module is the highest in the hirarchy and then test and env and agent components .. is that correct conclusion ?
A: There is more than one hierarchy. In SystemVerilog there is always at least one top-level module, by definition. But there is also the UVM component hierarchy (an object hierarchy) and the UVM class hierarchy. It gets complicated ;-)

Audience Question:
Q: If we do not use objection mechanism .. will that be okay ? why is that must to use ?
A: If you do not use the objection mechanism, simulation will end at time zero. (The only exception is if you are trying to run legacy OVM code)

Audience Question:
Q: virtual interface is a pointer to physical interface ie su interface
A: In effect, yes.
Audience Question:
Q: what is the symbol for and operator in sv
A: & (bitwise and) or && (logical and)

Audience Question:
Q: what is the difference between pre_randomization() and post_randomization() concepts?
A: These are user-defined methods of a class that get called immediately before and immediately after and rand properties get randomized/solved.

Audience Question:
Q: why do we need clocking block in sv? and is it mandatory to use or optional?
A: Clocking blocks are never mandatory. But there are an excellent way to simplify the synchronization between the DUT and the verification environment in the case of synchronous DUT interface, so are strongly recommended.

Audience Question:
Q: What is the purpose of scoreboard , as a checker???
A: Usually, yes.

Audience Question:
Q: why is clock always generated in module based and not in class ?
A: Because otherwise it will totallly screw up the SystemVerilog scheduler.

Audience Question:
Q: How can you reuse a driver if it's necessary to get a interface by a specific name, which was given in the environment?
A: Good question. To avoid having this dependency, you could have some higher level UVM component (e.g. the test or the env) retrieve the parameter from the config_db by name and then set the virtual interface in the driver (which it "knows about").

Audience Question:
Q: Is there mechanish in UVM with that we can send txns to scorebord after some latency other that clock
A: Yes, you can delay transactions in the monitor as long as you like (if that is really what you want - but why not send the transactions immediatelhy and queue them in the scoreboard?)

Audience Question:
Q: if a var say 'x' is defined as rand, and it has been assigned a value before calling the `uvm_do(req)- will the var-'x' be randomized or would it have the value that has been assigned previously before the `uvm_do ?
A: If a variable is declared as rand, than obj.randomize() will randomize it unless you have called rand_mode(0)

Audience Question:
Q: Is it possible wiggle the DUT INPUT pins directly from the test class without using the sequence, transactions and driver ? Like using backdoor register access in register model ?
A: Yes, but really bad practice from the point of view of reuse.

Audience Question:
Q: u said (The only exception is if you are trying to run legacy OVM code) how will it know that a legacy code is being executed and it should not run out in zero sim time
A: You have to set a standard UVM command line flag +UVM_USE_OVM_RUN_SEMANTIC

Audience Question:
Q: what is type_id while creating components inuvm ?
A: It is a proxy class. You do not need to understand all the technical details to use it. But don't forget it!

Audience Question:
Q: Where we can put extra logic for verifying the DUT for ex start of frame, octet counter and others...
A: You would do low-level protocol checks like this either using SystemVerilog Assertions (necessarily in a module or interface) or in the monitor.

Audience Question:
Q: when to use set config and get config?
A: Don't! Use uvm_config_db#(T)::set/get to set and get parameters from the configuration database in order to parameterize your UVM component hierarchy

Audience Question:
Q: what is modport and why we use it in interfaces ?
A: Honestly, if you don't know what a modport is, you are best to forget it. You do not need to use modports at all. They simple act as filters between the contents of an SV interface and whatever is trying to access the contents of the SV interface from outside.

Audience Question:
Q: why are we using clocking block in the interface ... instead of it cant we use multiple interfaces with different clocks as its input ?
A: Clocking blocks are an excellent way to simplify the handling of synchronization issues between the DUT and the verification environment.

Audience Question:
Q: how can one implicitly fire sequences ?
A: I would strongly recommend that you don't even consider doing so until you have a good understanding of UVM. But if you really want to, you can set the "default_sequence" property of the sequencer.

Audience Question:
Q: why we are using extern keyword .. is it not possible without it ? what does exactly makes difference when we declare with extern keyword and without extern keyword ?
A: The extern keyword simply indicates that the task or function is defined textually outside of the class: the class merely contains the task/function name and arguments.

Audience Question:
Q: why do we need raise_objection and drop_objection constructs?
A: To control the end-of-test, i.e. when all the various elements of the verification environment have finished doing whatever they are doing.

Audience Question:
Q: what is mechanism provided to communicate betweendriver and monitor components?
A: It is best practice NEVER to communicate directly between driver and monitor components. Rather, the driver wiggles the pins of the DUT, and the monitor passively senses these pin wiggles.

Audience Question:
Q: Would you then get the virtual interface in the driver again using the config_db or passing the virtual interface by method call?
A: You could use the config_db, or the test/env could poke the value directly into the local virtual inteface using a hierachical object name, e.g. m_env.m_agent.m_driver.m_virtual_if = irtual_if_read_from_config_db;

Audience Question:
Q: In any situation can driver connect with monitor other than wiggling the pins of DUT?
A: This would usually be bad practice, but yes, sure, it would be very easy to do if you wanted to using any of the many
communication mechanisms in UVM

Audience Question:
Q: suppose din to DUT takes 10 clocks latency so I am sending txns to scoreboard after 10 clocks and ten checking txn v/s DUT  but how to make them queue in the SB plz let me know..
A: Just literally put a queue in the scoreboard.

Audience Question:
Q: how to take care of setup and hold time in sv uvm tb
A: This is really nothing to do with UVM. Just put these low-level timing details in the SystemVerilog interface.

Audience Question:
Q: usage of clocking blocks are mandatory in interface file
A: No, they are not mandatory

Audience Question:
Q: Which componenets are blocking /nonblocking and why?
A: The concept of blocking/non-blocking applies to method calls, not components. A blocking method is not guaranteed to return immediately, a non-blocking method is.

Audience Question:
Q: The extern keyword simply indicates that the task or function is defined textually outside of the class. The class merely contains the task/function name and arguments. So here the question is .. is it not possible to override or overlap the definition without extern function ?
A: The use of extern is entirly unrelated to whether or not you can override a method. It is purely syntactical. WIthout extern,the entire text of the method is written inside the class.

Audience Question:
Q: can i wait for triggering of event in test when event has been triggered in top module
A: Yes, but that does not sound like the right way to be thinking about things.

Audience Question:
Q: Can RALF file with register descriptions and hdl_path constructs used for a VMM register can be used to create UVM re
A: Synopsys do provide a version of ralgen that works with UVM.

Audience Question:
Q: So the always mentioned scoreboard is in fact a checker, or even THE checker. Correct?
A: The word "scoreboard" means whatever you want it to mean in UVM. Scoreboards typically do checking and coverage

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Dear Readers

Whenever you see these kinda errors it can be a broken pipe or OS issue To confirm this as a OS Issue/broken piple, run any example under the cadence examples say helloworld with irun -uvm and it also shows up the same error.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"ncsim: *E,IMPDLL: Unable to load the implicit shared object.OSDLERROR: /home/xyz/Cadence_Examples/uvm-1.1/uvm_lib/uvm_sv/examples/simple/hello_world/INCA_libs/worklib/hello_world/sv/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory or file is not valid ELFCLASS32 library../////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

-Happy Reading